Daya Eco techno Sdn. Bhd. ( DETEC) is a Malaysian based company incorporated in 2008. It is today a growing technical servces company specialising in environmental pollution control and monitoring works.
Operating in a modest scale, DETEC has today successfully complete many environmental projects in electroplating. Chemical, textile, food based, oleochemicals, painting works industries.
You can count on our team of experienced and seasoned professionals in project and design of over 10 years experience. We are registered with Department of Environment (DOE) and Board of Engineer Malaysia (BEM).
You will find we provide environmenal solutions for your business compliance-related responsibilities at good engineering innovation, sustainable effort and competitive price.
You can count on us to meet your needs for your business growth for the present time, and future.
To provide a chain of professional integrated pollution control and water management service centres throughout Malaysia and the regional area so as to promote envieronmental susatainability for our future generations to come.
Continue to work with Department of Environment (DOE) and Board of Engineer Malaysia (BEM) to promote government related environmental policy and society as a whole to achieve economic, environmental and equity locally and globally.